Employees of the Institute of Geography were on a business trip in Milan 2022-05-20 17:41:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Institute of Geography named after academician Hasan Aliyev of ANAS, General Director, Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor Zakir Eminov, Doctors of Philosophy in Geography Rovshan Kerimov and Natavan Jafarova went on a business trip in Milan, Italy.
Representatives of Azerbaijan took part in the first meeting of the consortium of the project "Coordination of historical and archival materials on the activities of migrants: mixed images of Europe and the Mediterranean", implemented by the Institute of Geography and funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation.
Scientists and specialists from universities and institutions from different countries took part in the international event "Representation and self-expression of migrants in the media during the COVID-19 pandemic."
Employees of the Institute of Geography exchanged views on the problems of migration and migrants, which are very relevant in modern times, and discussed further activities to implement the tasks set within the framework of the project.
In their speeches, Zakir Eminov and Natavan Jafarova focused on the latest trends in migration processes, the issue of mapping migration routes.
The project implementers reported on the changes observed in migration flows during the COVID-19 pandemic in their countries, the difficulties faced by migrants, as well as the results of workshops held at the local and national levels to highlight these issues in the media.
Project Coordinator of the Institute of Geography, Leading Researcher, P.h.D. Rovshan Kerimov made a presentation on "Problems of migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Azerbaijan". He spoke about the peculiarities of international and internal migration in the context of the pandemic, including the impact of the pandemic on the livelihoods of Azerbaijanis working in neighboring countries, access to Russian markets for citizens involved in the production and sale of agricultural products, the problems of Azerbaijanis, the loss of close relatives abroad due to for coronavirus, access to education and migration contacts, the return of foreign students studying in Azerbaijan to continue their education online, the impact of temporary difficulties with passenger transportation on internal migration, the arrival of civilians fleeing the war in Ukraine in Azerbaijan, the attitude and behavior of migrants towards the risk of infection. He touched upon issues such as the provision of technical assistance.
Then the experts expressed new views on the phenomenon of migration, and the floor was given to the migrants invited to the event. The international event ended with a discussion of the future activities of the project executors.