PPRD EAST3 team leader visited the Institute of Geography 2022-04-28 21:49:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Mr. Peter Glerum, Team Leader of the European Union Eastern Program for the Prevention, Preparation and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters (PPRD East3), met with the staff of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev ANAS.
The main objective of Phase 3 of the Eastern Program is disaster risk reduction and crisis management in the Eastern Partnership countries, as well as the development of regional cooperation with the EU Civil Defense Mechanism. As part of the program, the relevant civil defense institutions of the partner countries will interact with all relevant authorities, civil society and research institutions to increase their capacity in the field of disaster risk prevention, including disaster preparedness and response, and to promote a nationwide inclusive approach in these areas. It is planned to be strengthen relationship.
The event discussed possible prospects for cooperation between the parties, exchanged views on future joint activities in the field of disaster risk assessment, risk maps and early warning systems.