IG held a meeting with Nasikha Kenjina from Kazakhstan 2022-04-19 14:37:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS held a meeting with Nasikha Kenjina, corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, representative of the National Fund "Dede Gorgud" in Kazakhstan and International magazine "Azerbaijan Dunyasi".
The meeting was also attended by Esmira Mammadova, director of the Cultural Center of Azerbaijanis "Mehriban" in the Djambul region of Kazakhstan, who came to Azerbaijan with Nasikha.
General Director of the Institute, D. Sc. in geography Zakir Eminov greeted the Kazakh delegation, introduced it to the meeting participants and gave the floor to Nasikha. Expressing satisfaction with her stay in Azerbaijan, Nasikha xanim explained the reason for her visit to our country. Expressing his unconditional love for Azerbaijan, the speaker said that she had always been interested in Azerbaijan, she first came to our country in 2017 to get to know it better, to get to know its people. Based on the information she received, she began writing a book. (However, according to her, this was the first time she had written a book.)
She translated a poem written under the influence of the murder of little Zahra by Armenians and sent it to websites in Azerbaijan. Seeing that poems are published on these sites without delay and many appeals and letters from people are received, she began to study in depth the events in Karabakh.
Nasikha xanim, who watched the 44-day war with great excitement, celebrated Victory Day on November 8 with great joy, dressed in the Azerbaijani flag, ran to the heights of Almaty and waved our flag there.
The Kazakh woman said that she had written a book about the unforgettable and terrible events in Karabakh. She said that she dedicated it to the memory of brave mothers who raised heroes, in general, to all of Azerbaijan, its people, the victorious army and the President, Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev. According to her, the main purpose of writing the book was to acquaint Kazakhstan and the whole world with Azerbaijan, its inflexible, warlike and freedom-loving people.
Then she presented her book “Karabakh – a long way home” to the general director of the institute. On behalf of the Azerbaijani people, Zakir Eminov and other employees thanked Nasikha Kenzhina for the love for our Motherland, the people, the army, the President and, most importantly, for the work done by the Turkic peoples of the same origin in rapprochement with each other. Participant of the First Karabakh War, Associate Professor Etibar Badalov presented the guest with the medal "For the Capture of Shushi", awarded to him by the Society of Veterans.
At the end of the event, the participants anxiously watched a video by Nasikha Kenzhina dedicated to the events in Karabakh.