A workshop on migration issues was held at the Institute of Geography 2022-04-14 19:38:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The Institute of Geography named after academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS held a seminar-meeting on the topic "Migration, COVID-19 and the media" in the village of Talistan, Ismayilli region.
The event was attended by employees of the institute, residents of Ismayilli and more than 10 of its villages, rural councils and representatives of the municipality.
Leading Researcher of the Institute, Ph.D. Rovshan Karimov, representing scientists from Baku, delivered an opening speech, noting that the Institute of Geography is the first co-winner of a scientific innovation project in the country under the European Commission's Horizon. Program 2020. He said that 18 villages of the region are located in areas with a high risk of landslides. From about 30 villages in Ismayilli there is migration to the cities, and in the region there are even mountain villages where several families live. Climate change and related natural processes. The scientist noted that as the migration of people in villages and cities increases, serious problems arise: “Today we must accept the existence of this problem and look for solutions. Problems causing migration should be mentioned in discussions and specific work should be done to address them. Our goal is to explore the environmental issues that cause migration, but we also need to identify other issues that cause it.
The meeting participants spoke about the reasons for the villagers leaving their homes, the evacuation of mountain villages, the growing shortage of water in the region due to climate change, the reasons hindering the development of some villages in the region, the lack of bridges, the lack of work. Ahiska Turks are leaving their villages; agricultural problems of the communities, difficulties in the use of pastures, etc. were discussed.