Published an article by a geographer on water issues 2022-04-05 13:40:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Head of the department of the Institute of Geography, Professor Rza Mahmudov, published an article in the newspaper "Azerbaijan" under the title "Global problem that makes people think."
In the article dedicated to the World Water Resources Day and the World Meteorological Day, the author noted that the current and future humanity depends on the complex meteorological conditions. He noted that according to expert estimates, the average cost of hydrometeorological services in the world is 4 billion dollars, and the economic effect of these services is 20-40 billion dollars.
Noting that today there are two natural problems in the world, such as water and climate change, the scientist said that it has become the basis of interstate political and economic relations. The climate change, occurring in the decades on a planetary scale, increases the dynamics of anomalous processes in hydrometeorological conditions, causing different types of natural disasters. According to the WHO, about 85% of natural disasters in the world are caused by hydrometeorological processes. In the latter period, the reduction of the annual stock of the country, especially Kury and Araksa, water resources as a whole and the direct global climate change is directly related to its regional consequences.