The current state of water resources was discussed at the IG 2021-11-22 11:27:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

At the Institute of Geography named after academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS, the annual reports of research departments for 2021 are discussed.

At the next hearing, the annual report of the Department of Land Hydrology and Water Resources was discussed. Head of Department, Doctor of Geographical Sciences prof. Rza Mahmudov, speaking about the work done this year, said that in accordance with the approved plan, two works were carried out on the topic “The current state of water resources in Azerbaijan, the study of mountain rivers and the development of calculation methods”: “Assessment of the territory and resources of Karabakh, and their effective use ” and “ A new method for studying river sediment runoff on the territory of Karabakh ”.

In accordance with the respective stages of both themes, the data of hydrological and hydrographic observations of territorial rivers before the occupation were analyzed and a research database was created. The CWBM and SWBM balance methods were developed using GIS technologies - satellite, radar data, and on the basis of these methods, hydrological series for the period of occupation were restored and water resources were assessed while observing the rivers of Karabakh. The water reserves of the district calculated using these methods are 1.93 km3. The influence of climate change on the river regime and annual runoff shows that, as in other territorial rivers, the water resources of the Karabakh territorial rivers decreased by 9.8% in 1988-2020, that is, from 2.14 km3 to 1.93 km3 in the previous period.