Iranian specialists start training in GIS 2021-10-19 12:13:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Distance trainings on geographic information systems began at the Institute of Geography named after acad. G.A. Aliyev of ANAS.

According to the cooperation agreement signed between Tabriz University and the Institute of Geography of Azerbaijan, specialists of the Faculty of Planning and Environment of the University held an introductory meeting on the first day of the training for the staff of the Institute of Geography. University scientists have determined the level of knowledge of GIS among the researchers who will participate in the trainings, and have determined the topics of the courses that will be conducted in accordance with the direction of the areas they want to study.

The event was attended by the General Director of the Institute of Geography, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov, heads of departments, researchers and other employees, as

well as the deputy director for scientific work of the Tebriz University, Dr. Iraj Teimuri, Deputy Director for Research Dr. Hossein Karimzade; heads of departments Khalil Valizade, Sadra Karimzade and Hashim Rustamzade were present.