Researcher explored the possibilities of using wind energy in Karabakh 2021-03-11 15:45:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The revival of the liberated Karabakh region and the strengthening of our economy is one of the priority tasks facing our country.

An accurate assessment of the potential of the area should ensure the correct allocation of investment costs. Wrong decisions can lead to loss of funds. Therefore, the main task of scientists and specialists is to accurately study the area, to draw the correct conclusions from the research. Scientists and specialists of the Institute of Geography named after acad. A. Aliyev of ANAS, proceeding from this principle, with their scientific research they try to make a worthy contribution to the revival of Karabakh.

Nijat Imamverdiyev, a researcher at the Department of Economic and Political Geography of Azerbaijan, who studied the application of geographic information systems when choosing the location of wind farms in Azerbaijan, studied the possibilities of using wind energy in the Karabakh region and achieved significant results.