Natural monuments discussed as tourist sites 2020-03-04 12:49:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

A report of leading employee of the department of paleogeography, Rashid Fataliyev, was held at the next meeting of the scientific workshop of IG on the theme: “Natural monuments of the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus and assessment of their eco-touristic potential”.

The purpose of the presentation was to draw attention to the comprehensive study of natural monuments of Azerbaijan, to inform about their protection, to support the development of eco-and geo-tourism in our country, as well as to evaluate natural monuments as objects of geo-tourism.

As an example, he chose Mount Beshbarmag and the pilgrimage site of Khizir-Zinda of Siyazan region, as well as the colored mountains of the Khizy district and substantiated their attractiveness for tourists. He spoke about the features of their formation in the geological period, about tectonic, structural, geomorphological and lithological properties. 

The speaker noted the importance of both natural monuments in the development of opportunities for eco- and geo-tourism in Azerbaijan, as well as the need for their in-depth studies and gave relevant suggestions.