Map of Azerbaijan’s ecological risks compiled 2020-02-11 14:29:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Academician Ramiz Mammadov, the Director of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS, jointly with  the head of the department of Landscape, PhD Mirnukh Ismayilov, compiled a map of Azerbaijan’s ecological risks based on natural and man-made threats. This is a large-scale digital map of Azerbaijan’s ecological risks, compiled on the basis of multidimensional data. 

Sources of ecological risks in Azerbaijan have been identified such as mudflows, landslides, floods, demographic and technological pressures, pollution of surface and groundwater, the level of the Caspian Sea, salinization, waterlogging, climatic risks. 

An analysis of the map revealed that 37,2% of the country’s terrotiry has a very low risk, 19,8% a low risk, 23,9% a medium, 12,4% high and 6,8% a very high ecological risk.

This map can play an important role in the development of infrastructure projects, construction, urban planning and insurance.