Conference on migration policy 2017-02-18 11:00:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The staff of the Human geography direction at the Institute of Geography named acad. H.A.Aliyev of ANAS –head of direction, doctor of geography Zakir Eminov, head of department, PhD in geography Nariman Pashayev, PhDs in geography Rovshan Kerimov, Etibar Badalov, Hijran Tahirova et Tural Bayramov participated in the scientific-practical conference dedicated to 10th anniversary of the creation of State migration Service, held on February 17, at the University of Khazar.

At this event, organized by the State migration Service of Azerbaijan and Khazar University on the topic “Azerbaijan’s migration policy: achievements and prospects of the development”, they made reports “Main directions of migration in Azerbaijan Republic and problems of its regulation” (Z.Eminov), “Scientific-practical basis of modern migration forms and problems created by population migration on the territory of Azerbaijan” (N.Pashayev), «Regulation of population migration due to natural disasters” (E.Badalov). All the presentations were interesting for the audience. Profound knowledge of problems and research in this field attracted the attention of representatives from State migration Service. It was decided to extend the cooperation between two organizations.