The Institute of Geography pleased children deprived of parental care 2018-03-22 23:50:00 / EVENTS

For already 3 years as the Institute of Geography after H.Aliyev of ANAS collaborates with the Public association for promotion of the development of moral values, “Jighir” which is a charitable organization that carries out various projects in the social, medical, financial field. They are aimed at helping children deprived of father or both parents. GI also helps the Association to implement measures to increase the interest of children in science and education.

An example is the meeting of children with the Institute’s staff- a presentation of slides prepared by young scientists for schoolchildren and young children. Quizes were held and gifts have been given that correspond to the topic.

This year IG did not stay away from the celebration of Novruz together with children, deprived of parental care, which regaled sweets purchased on the collected funds.

The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute plans to invite the children of the “Jighir” association to IG and talk them about activities of the Institute.