Global water problems at International Conference 2014-11-27 18:29:00 / EVENTS

November 25, 2014 was held an international scientific-practical conference on “Global and regional hydropolitical issues in the context of international cooperation and security”.

The conference was organized by the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of AR in conjunction with the Institute of Geography of ANAS and took place at the hotel Hilton.

The main purpose of the conference was to discuss the global elimination of water scarcity and finding ways of rational use of water resources, water resources management, joint cooperation in the protection and use of transboundary water resources, water use for political purposes, etc.

The event was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, academician Akif Alizadeh -President of ANAS, Ramiz Mammadov-director of the Institute of Geography academician, Farhad Mammadov-director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of AR.He noted the remaining of 20% of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the largest fresh water resources availability and said it was the biggest threat to the settlement of the conflict. He mentioned, later it will create great opportunities for our country.

At the conference,have participated scientists and experts from the US, Canada, UK, Turkey, Serbia, Egypt, Bosnia, Portugal, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other countries.

The International Coordinator of UN Mary Methiew said that Azerbaijan become a leader in the field of cross border cooperation in order to solve hydropolitical problems.

Ramiz Mammadov, being the moderator of the plenary session of the “Environmental, political, economic and social aspects of global water scarcity”, spoke on the theme “Global water shortages and the threat of politicization.” He reported about threat by changing the direction of flow coming from Armenia, but the lack of water resources in Armenia means that the threats are inappropriate.