Ramiz Mammadov’s birthday 2015-02-05 10:32:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

On February 3, the staff of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev was gathered in a special session of the Scientific Council to celebrate 65th anniversary of birthday and 45 years of scientific activity of an outstanding scientist Ramiz Mammadov, the academician of ANAS and Director of this Institute. The guests from related institutions and enterprises were also invited here.

       Elbrus Alizade, the corresponding member of ANAS, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography, who chaired the meeting, welcomed the participants. Notwithstanding the traditions, he declared the start of the presentation of the hero of the occasion to be held under the name of “Incomplete results.”

    The participants showed great interest to the presentation reminiscent to report, rich of scientific formula, maps, diagrams, photographs, reflecting the path of his life.

     After giving an overview of the scientific activity of doctor of technical sciences, acad. R.Mammadov, Elbrus Alizade said that he is the author of nearly 300 scientific articles, 11 monographs, 1 geographical atlas and 20 international projects. He is also an internationally recognized Azerbaijani scholar in the study of the Caspian Sea. His multifaceted researches cover various fields of geographical science: the Caspian Sea, oceanography, ecology, desertification, landscape planning and so on. Kur-Araz transborder water problems and environmental protection are also main research directions of the scientist. The reports in important fields of science in more than 30 foreign countries increased the reputation of Azerbaijani science in international scale.

    The deputy director noted the innovative and entrepreneurial nature of Ramiz Mammadov as a leader. He talked about large-scale application of modern information and communication technologies in the Institute, carrying out of research studies by the staff with the tools of modern technologies, of geographic information systems (GIS), participation in grant projects at various levels, and thus to achieve a significant increase in their material well-being.

    The Baku State University professor Neron Babakhanov said in his speech that he discovered again R.Mammadov as a researcher-geographer being in expeditions with him. He said that R.Mammadov is the first Azerbaijani scientist who studies seas and was a participant of scientific researches at the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

  Professor Tapdiq Hassanov, head of the department of economic and social geography sciences noted that Ramiz Mammadov’ life is an example for young geographers.       

   Dadash Huseynov, deputy director of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Doctor of Sciences in geology and mineralogy, academican Hatam Quliyev, head of the department of this Institute, F. Imanov, dean of the faculty of the Baku State University, and others spoke about his technical potential and human qualities such as simplicity, compassion and expressed their wishes.