An article about global warming by an employee of the Institute of Geography has been published 2024-09-30 13:00:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Kamran Ramazanli, a junior researcher at the Institute of Geography named after Acad.H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the chairman of the trade union organization of the institute, published an article in the newspaper “Khalg” under the title “Climate changes are aggravating the global threat.”

The author clarified the problem of global warming from the point of view of the influence of physical and chemical processes. The geographer said that the climate of our planet is gradually warming due to the fact that the amount of carbon dioxide, which increases every year, captures and stores thermal energy. In addition, all green plants on the surface of the Earth (grasses, shrubs, trees, crops, etc.) undergo the process of photosynthesis, while at this time the carbon dioxide contained in the atmospheric air is processed, that is, its amount decreases.

Warming is also determined by other factors. For example, earthquakes, which are natural phenomena, have a weakening or slowing effect on the speed of the Earth's rotation around its axis. A weakening of the Earth's rotation around its imaginary axis allows any unit of area on its surface to receive more solar radiation energy. Ultimately, this leads to global climate change.