Dissertation topics approved at the meeting of the Academic Council 2024-09-25 15:39:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A meeting of the Academic Council was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Zakir Eminov.

The head of the education department, Museib Yunusov, spoke about admission to doctoral and dissertation programs this year. Following the discussions, the scientific supervisors of newly admitted doctoral and dissertation candidates, as well as the topics of their research papers, were approved.

Then the publication “Physical Geography of Azerbaijan” by Doctor of Geographical Sciences Stary Tarikhazar (in Russian) and the monograph by Gulnar Gadzhieva “Study of Ecological and Geographical Features of Agro-Landscapes (between Mazymchay and Turyanchay)” were discussed and a positive decision was made.

The executive director of the institute, PhD, associate professor Zaur Imrani informed about the work he had done during his foreign trip in September, as well as about the status of the article devoted to modern problems of geography for the scientific and practical conference that the institute will hold at the end of October.

The head of the institute Z. Eminov spoke about the preparation for the publication of the book "Modern Problems of Geography" made by the institute, and highly appreciated the work of the head of the department, professor Rza Makhmudov, who was responsible for its preparation. The members of the Council recommended translating the monograph into Russian and English.