Congratulatory letter was addressed to Tofik Gurbanov on the occasion of his anniversary 2024-09-17 13:49:00 / JUBILEES

Congratulatory letter was addressed to Tofik Gurbanov on the occasion of his anniversary

The management of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan addressed a letter of congratulations to the leading researcher of the Department of Geomorphology and Natural Risks, PhD, Associate Professor Tofik Gurbanov on the occasion of his 75th anniversary:


The staff of the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan sincerely congratulates you on your 75th birthday and many years of scientific and pedagogical activity, and wishes you good health and long life.

In 1980, you successfully graduated from the Geology and Geography Department of the Baku State University and were accepted to the Institute of Geography. You are a leading researcher in the Department of Geomorphology and Natural Risks and at the same time you teach at many universities.

You are the author of approximately 75 scientific articles. You have taken part in geographical conferences and meetings held in the republic and abroad.

We congratulate you and wish you new achievements in your scientific work.