IG employee took part in trainings at ADA University 2024-09-04 15:49:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Emil Jabrayilov, an employee of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev took part in trainings held at ADA University.

The trainings were conducted within the framework of the project “Support to National Adaptation Planning (NAP) in Azerbaijan”, funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the framework of cooperation between the Institute of Development and Diplomacy of ADA University and UNDP.

One of the main directions of the project is to increase the capacity for climate resilience and adaptation in the agricultural and water sectors through training. To this end, about 200 public officials, NGO representatives, researchers from about 40 organizations were involved in trainings on various topics.

The training program covered such topics as “Consequences of climate change and key issues in Azerbaijan”, “Water resources management for climate resilience”, “Strategies for inclusive climate adaptation initiatives”, “Climate financing”.

At the end, the participants were presented with certificates.