Geographers conducted research in Karabakh 2024-07-25 14:10:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A group of employees of the department “Landscape research and landscape planning” of the Institute of Geography named after H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan - head of the department Mirnukh Ismayilov, leading researchers - Ph.D. in geography Saida Zeynalova and Irina Kuchinskaya, doctoral student Amina Muradova during 4 years days conducted field research in the territories of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur liberated from occupation.

In accordance with the State Program “Great Return” and the planned work of the Institute, preliminary digital landscape and environmental mapping was carried out on the territory. For this purpose, information on the spatial structure of natural complexes was collected in the field, and about 50 samples of soil, plants and rocks were selected, mainly from various ecosystems of Eastern Zangezur, for chemical analyzes in office conditions in order to determine the ecological and geochemical landscape background of territories.

Based on a geographic comparison of large-scale (1:100,000) landscape maps and topographic maps compiled before the occupation, they collected geographic data on trends in the development and dynamics of the structural and functional features of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems.

Field research work was carried out that is of great scientific and practical importance during the redevelopment of territories in the post-occupation period on the anthropogenic transformation of natural ecosystems and their landscape-ecological consequences, environmental risks, natural resource potential of ecosystems, etc..

Desk research is currently ongoing: analysis of scientific information collected during field research and obtaining preliminary results.