Scientist of the Institute of Geography awarded the Crystal Compass Prize 2024-06-04 16:42:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Associate Professor Zaur Imrani, Executive Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the MSE of AR, became the winner in the nomination "Scientific Achievement" of the national competition "Crystal Compass" of the Russian Geographical Society and was awarded the Diploma of the Finalist.

Since 2012, the Crystal Compass Award has been awarded annually on the basis of a competition to authors of outstanding achievements and unique projects in the fields of science, culture, nature, history, preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation, expeditions and education. This year, more than 600 participants from 14 countries (Russia, India, France, USA, Egypt, Belarus, Moldova, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Nepal and Tajikistan) competed for the geographical “Oscar”. Representatives of Russia, Great Britain, India, France, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Serbia and Kyrgyzstan, as well as famous representatives of science and art from Russia and foreign countries, famous cosmonauts, government and public figures took part in the award ceremony.

Imrani was awarded among the finalists this year at a gala ceremony held on May 30 at the Moscow International House of Music. The award was presented by the Honorary President of the Russian Geographical Society, Academician Vladimir Kotlyakov, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate as a member of the Intergovernmental Expert Group on Climate. The Azerbaijani scientist was awarded this high prize for his monograph “Object-oriented risk analysis and assessment of natural disasters in the geoecological context on the territory of Azerbaijan”.

It should be noted that the scientists of the Institute of Geography have won this prestigious competition for the second time. Corresponding Member of the Academy, the late Elbrus Alizade and Doctor of Sciences Stara Tarikhazar were awarded the Finalist Diploma in 2016, winning the mentioned nomination of the competition for their research work “Ecogeomorphological Hazard and Risk in the Greater Caucasus (within Azerbaijan)”.