Geographer took part in an international seminar 2024-05-30 12:59:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Associate Professor Zaur Imrani, Executive Director of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the MSE of the Republic of Azerbaijan, took part in the international scientific seminar of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Center for Spatial Analysis of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) on the topic “Spatial analysis for sustainable development”.

Before the seminar, Z. Imrani met with the vice-rector for scientific work of MGIMO Andrey Baykov. A. Baykov noted that cooperation with IG will continue to develop fruitfully, and that he has a high opinion of the organization of the seminar and its participants. Igor Okunev, director of CSA MGIMO, informed the participants about the direction of the institute’s activities, new publications, and spoke about the work that can be done in the future. Z. Imrani made a presentation at the seminar, held in a hybrid form, and reported on the changes in spatial information in historical periods and using them to study the strengths and weaknesses of the area in modern conditions, as well as the ability to prepare various models of sustainable development. Considering the economic, social and environmental aspects, which are the main elements of sustainable development, various concepts of sustainable development were presented to the seminar participants.

Zaur Imrani presented his model of sustainable development, which combines various factors and is based on more reliable science, and noted the important components for the development of public policy in this area.

The participants discussed the specifics of implementing sustainable development policies using the example of Azerbaijan.

At the end of the event, an exchange of views took place on opportunities to improve approaches to sustainable development.