IS employees conducted field research in Gobustan 2024-05-23 15:58:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Department of Geography of Land Resources  of Azerbaijan of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the MSE AR conducted field research in the Gobustan region.

The trip to conduct research into the process of desertification in the Gobustan region and comprehensive measures to combat it was led by Associate Professor Ismail Guliyev, with the participation of researchers Chichek Nasirova, Nazaket Azizova, Khuraman Naghiyeva, Aigun Hagverdiyeva, junior researchers Rauf Hussein, Tabarruk Fatullayeva and doctoral student Gunel Hasanova.

To study changes in various types and subtypes of soils, soil sections were placed repeatedly 3-4 times, taking into account geographical factors within the observation areas, a morphological description was carried out and soil samples were chosen taking into account the cultivated and raw material.

Degradation of vegetation, changes in territories that have occurred in recent years as a result of human economic activity, anthropogenic load on pastures, and the influence of mud volcanoes on the soil cover of South-Eastern Gobustan are assessed from the point of view of desertification.

This work was studied in the field using Arc GIS software, including Landsat 8, 9 satellite images.