A round table “Global Climate Dialogue” took place in Lenkoran 2024-05-13 14:31:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Lankaran State University and Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev organized a round table in the city of Lankaran dedicated to the “Year of Green World Solidarity” called “Dialogue on Global Climate”.

Lankaran State University Rector Professor Natig Ibragimov opened the event and said that the round table was dedicated to the problems caused by global climate change.

The director general of the institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, made a speech and spoke about the work done in this area in the world and in the institution he heads. He stated that climate change and global warming are the number one problem facing the world's scientists. One of the main areas of research at the Institute of Geography is related to climate.

Talking about the work done at the institute in connection with COP29, the head of the institution noted that preparations are underway for an international conference scheduled for June this year, and before it, several scientific seminars with the participation of guests will be held. The scientist also noted that an employee of the institute, head of the department, corresponding member of ANAS Rauf Gardashov will take part in the global climate event COP 29, which will be held in Baku.

Then reports from the event participants were heard.