The tournament dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev has ended 2024-05-07 18:19:00 / EVENTS

An award ceremony was held for the winners of individual checkers competitions on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the birth of the great leader Heydar Aliyev at the Institute of Geography named after academician Heydar Aliyev.

General Director of the Institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, who made an opening speech, noted that various events are now being held throughout our country to mark the birthday of National Leader Heydar Aliyev. The honorable life lists page after page path of this genius, who devoted his life to the well-being of his country and people, his activities are mentioned again and again, which can become an example for great politicians and statesmen.

The head of the department of history of geographical thought and toponymy, associate professor Habil Hagverdiyev, spoke about the grate services of Heydar Aliyev to the Azerbaijani people and his role in world politics.

Then the chairman of the trade union organization of the institute, Kamran Ramazanly, informed the participants about the organization of the tournament, its successful completion, and the presentation of awards to the winners.

According to the results of the tournament, first place went to accountant Rana Mammadova, second place to executive director of the institute Zaur Imrani, third place to leading researcher Ulkar Makhmudova, fourth place to junior researcher Nazim Guerayli. Senior researcher Jeyhun Gasimov was awarded the title of “The Most Interesting Player” and was among those awarded. The winners were awarded cash prizes and certificates.