The 34th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was commemorated at the Institute of Geography 2024-01-22 11:22:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The 34th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was commemorated at the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

First, they honored the memory of the martyrs with a minute of silence. Then a video was shown about the events of January 20.

The general director of the institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, spoke about the importance of the day of remembrance, which is commemorated by our people every year with deep respect and reverence. It was noted that, despite the fact that 34 years have passed since that bloody night of January 20, over the years we increasingly understand the value of thе sacrifice of our heroic citizens.

The events of January 20, which led to the integrity of our Motherland, no matter how bitter and sad they were, became a turning point in the restoration of our state independence. It became clear to everyone once again that no force could break the determination of our people to fight for freedom. Heads of departments, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Rza Makhmudov, PhD. Habil Hagverdiyev, senior researcher, Ph.D. Etibar Badalov, Chief of Civil Defense Staff of the Institute Namazali Mustafayev, expressed their thoughts on January 20, which is a black spot in the history of Azerbaijan not only as a tragedy, but also as a demonstration of an example of national heroism, inflexibility, perseverance and intransigence to violence.