The 95th anniversary of academician B. Budagov was celebrated 2023-02-23 18:08:00 / JUBILEES

The Institute of Geography celebrated the anniversary of the outstanding geographer Budag Budagov.

First the General Director of the Institute, D.Sc. on geography Zakir Eminov announced the agenda. The participants of the event watched a video dedicated to Academician Budag Budagov called "Outstanding scientist Budag Budagov is always in memory." Then the head of the institution made an introductory speech and spoke about the scientific and social activities of the scientist. He said that it is important to remember our scientists, who played an exceptional role in the development of Azerbaijani geographical science, to appreciate their work by celebrating their anniversaries, and to pass on their rich scientific heritage to the next generations. In this regard, the study of the heritage of Academician Budag Budagov is of particular importance.

As a result of the scientific and pedagogical activity of the scientist, he prepared up to 50 candidates of geographical sciences, and for more than 40 years his textbook "Physical Geography of Azerbaijan" was taught in secondary schools of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the textbook "General Geomorphology" at the geographical faculties of universities.

Academician B. Budagov was awarded a number of medals and diplomas for his scientific achievements, as well as the Order of Glory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the honorary title of Honored Scientist of the Republic.

Then the head of the department of landscape research and landscape planning, Ph.D. Mirnukh Ismailov made a report on the life and work of the academician under the title “Academician B.A. Budagov - 95".

The employees of the Institute spoke and kindly shared their memories of the outstanding scientist.