Schoolchildren got acquainted with the Institute of Geography 2023-02-22 13:11:00 / EVENTS

The Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute of Geography named after Acad. H.Aliyev held a meeting of the leadership of the Institute with 8th grade students of the Heydar Aliyev Complex of Modern Education.

The general director, D.Sc. in geography Zakir Eminov, after getting acquainted with the stands of the institute, told the students about the work done at the institute, innovations and achievements in geographical science, the luminaries of geographical science and wished the students success in their studies.

Deputy Executive Director, Ph.D. Assoc. prof. Zaur Imrani introduced the schoolchildren to the subjects of geography, the activities of laboratories and departments of the institute.

Then Beimkhanim Huseynova, Chairman of the CYSS, Nazim Garayli, GIS specialist, senior researcher, Ph.D. Samira Abushova informed the schoolchildren about the scientific research conducted by young scientists, the creation of digital maps using modern technologies and answered their questions.

In conclusion, the school geography teacher Tunzale Mammadova expressed her gratitude to the organizers of the event and the leadership of the institute.