The conference "Man and Relief as an Integral Part of Natural Evolution" was held. 2023-01-25 15:40:00 / CONFERENCES

A scientific and practical conference was held, organized by the Institute of Geographynamed after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Geographical Society on the topic "Man and relief as the main part of natural evolution", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Azerbaijan State Prize laureate, Doctor of Geography, Professor Naib Shirin oglu Shirinov.

He is the author of 269 scientific papers - more than 10 monographs, 7 maps, 2 textbooks (for universities). Under his leadership, 4 people received the degree of doctor of science and 10 candidates of science. His exemplary work was highly appreciated by the state, he was awarded many medals and orders, and in 1978 he was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Colleagues talked about Professor Naib Shirinov as a person who laid the methodological foundations of Azerbaijani geographical science, a classic of geomorphological science, a true ascetic of science, a passionate researcher, the author of a number of interesting works that have not lost their significance to this day, about great diligence, a broad scientific and social outlook , the ability to see the perspective of science, and rated him as a person who was distinguished by the ability to assemble scientific teams.

Then reports were heard and discussions were held on the topics of modern geomorphology, paleogeography, landscape planning and relief, sustainable development of regions and social problems, use of the natural resource potential of Azerbaijan, tourist and recreational opportunities of the regions, land, climate and water resources, environmental problems of natural complexes , human and relief factors.