CI employees were on a business trip in Barda and Tarter regions 2022-11-16 14:16:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Nijat Imamverdiyev and Tural Bayramov, employees of the Institute of Geography named after academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, were on a business trip for 5 days in Barda and Terter regions in order to prepare a scientific report “Modern territorial arrangement of agricultural areas of the Karabakh economic region and prospects for their development”.

Specialists conducted research in the region in order to determine the economic and geographical problems of the territorial organization of the economy, taking into account the agricultural fields of the Karabakh economic region and the features of economic development. To do this, they collected materials from the region to assess the geopolitical position of the region and the natural resource potential from an economic point of view, substantiate the scientific and theoretical approach to the territorial organization of production in the territories liberated from occupation, determine the current state of the territorial organization of agriculture, the role of the agricultural sector in production food products, etc.