A new textbook "Geography" has been published 2022-11-10 17:36:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The textbook "Geography" was published in collaboration with Zakir Eminov, General Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This textbook, created by order of the Landau School and intended for preparing for exams, high school students and teachers, fully complies with the admission program prepared by the State Examination Center based on the requirements of the subject program and textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, covers the entire program.

The 567-page manual was published under the headings "History of the development of the science of geography", "Cartographic images", "Universe and Solar system", "Lithosphere", "Atmosphere", "Hydrosphere", "Biosphere and geographic layer", "Economic- social geography”, “Natural resources”, “Geography of the world population”, “World economy”, “Global problems of humankind”.

In each section, theoretical materials are presented concisely and simply. At the end of the manual, additional materials used in the high school geography course were also given. It should be noted that 5 sections of the book, consisting of 12 sections, were prepared by Z. Eminov.