Geographer gave an interview about the tourism potential of Karabakh 2022-10-25 16:03:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Kamala Zeynalova, leading researcher at the Institute of Geography named after academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ph.D. in geography Kamala Zeynalova gave an interview to the Bakinski Rabochiy newspaper about the tourism potential of Karabakh. She noted that the presence of tourist and recreational resources within any territory is considered the main condition for the development of tourism in a particular region, a kind of basis for it. From this point of view, the Karabakh region is of particular importance for the development of tourism and in the future can become a guarantor of sustainable socio-economic development of our country. K. Zeynalova noted that the Karabakh region is attractive for tourists due to the wealth of world-wide significant historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, flora and fauna, complex and colorful landscape structure, the presence of more than 150 large and small rivers, which increase the availability of water resources of our country and other reasons.