Professor Amir Aliyev gave an interview to the Russian TV channel "Mir" 2022-10-20 19:17:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Joint activities at sea and environmental problems were discussed at the second Caspian summit of representatives of the Caspian countries held in Moscow. In this regard, the Russian TV channel "Mir" interviewed the doctor of geographical sciences, head of the department "Geomorphology of the shores and bottom of the Caspian Sea", Professor Amir Aliyev at the Institute of Geography named after Heydar Aliyev.

Speaking about the problems of the Caspian Sea, the expert on the Caspian Sea drew attention to the damage caused to shipping as a result of lower water levels. He noted that the water level in the Caspian Sea is decreasing by 70 cm during the year. “Since the beginning of the century, the fall in industrial income in the country has amounted to more than 15%. Water enters the ports through special channels, which must be deepened when the water level drops. If this is not done, ships will not enter the port," Amir Aliyev said.