The geographer gave an interview to ARB 24 TV channel about the landslide 2022-05-24 18:28:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Associate Professor, P.h.D. Mirnukh Ismayilov, Head of the Department of Landscape Research and Landscape Planning of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS, informed about the studies carried out in the landslide-prone areas of the Lerik region.
In an interview with the ARB 24 TV channel, the scientist said that extensive research was carried out in the Dirig zone prone to landslides. The specialists of the institute visited large and small villages of Khaftoni, Larmarud, Nuju and others in the Lerik region. This zone contains rocks that differ from others by large stones, which requires a different approach to their study. For a long historical period, these territories were used by people for living, forests were cut down and slopes were plowed up. Landslides have intensified in the area due to improper operation. The researchers noticed that a house in the village of Larmarud was left under the ground along with the yard area, and 11 houses became a landslide zone due to new cracks around the house.