Geographers spoke about landslides in the ECOethics program 2022-04-05 17:27:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employees of the Department of Landscape Research and Landscape Planning of the Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev of ANAS – Ph.D. in geography, head of Department Mirnukh Ismayilov and Leading Researcher Museyib Yunusov, took part in the filming of the program "Ecoethics" of AzTV.
In the program on landslides, scientists talked about the causes of this natural phenomenon and the measures needed to prevent them. Scientists say that landslides are one of the most harmful phenomena in terms of the degree of caused damage. The damage from landslides in mountainous areas is much higher than in others. The Greater Caucasus is more prone to landslides. The slope causing landslides here reaches 40-45 or even 60-70 degrees. The territory up to 4000 square km is affected by landslides.
According to surveys conducted by geographers, there are currently 312 settlements with a population of more than 500,000 people and hundreds of farms located in landslide-prone areas. On the territory of Azerbaijan, 70-80 percent of landslides are the result of anthropogenic factors. It is necessary to carry out certain educational activities in order to avoid at least part of the damage.