The day of the genocide of Azerbaijanis was remembered at a meeting of the Academic Council 2022-03-31 17:39:00 / EVENTS

Under the chairmanship of D.Sc. in geography Zakir Eminov held a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography.
On the occasion of the Day of the Azerbaijani Genocide on March 31, the participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the Azerbaijanis who died during the massacre, as well as the martyrs who died for the freedom of our lands.
Z. Eminov noted that according to the decree of President Heydar Aliyev "On the genocide of Azerbaijanis" from March 26, 1998, March 31 is celebrated in our country as the Day of the Azerbaijanis' genocide. He noted that from March 30 to April 3, 1918, about 12 thousand Azerbaijanis were killed, thousands of people were missing, many ancient buildings and historical monuments were destroyed.
Then a number of issues on the agenda were considered, some changes were made to the structure of the Institute. D.Sc. Rza Mahmudov was elected Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the Institute. The event also includes visits, certification of doctoral students, preparation for conferences that will take place in 2022, etc. Appropriate decisions were made.