An article by a young scientist was published in a journal with high index 2022-04-01 11:56:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Article by Emil Djabrayilov, researcher at the Institute of Geographynamed after acad. H.A. Aliyev of ANAS, was published in the international journal "Geography, Environment, Sustainable Development". It should be noted that the journal is indexed on the basis of "RSCI", which is part of the Scopus and Web of Science platforms, and ranks first on the Elibrary platform in the scientific index in the field of geography and environmental protection.
In the article “Monitoring of fragile ecosystems with spectral indices based on Sentinel-2 satellite data in the Shahdag National Park”, the author analyzes environmental changes in the ecosystems of the Shahdag National Park and adjacent areas in recent years using satellite data. He classified the estimated indicators of ecosystems, linking them with network ones.
According to the results, the reductions are registered insparse forest, pastures and shrubs, sensitive to anthropogenic factors. Consequences of anthropogenic impacts are observed in the adjacent territories of the national park, especially around populated areas and high meadows. This leads to the transformation and instability of natural ecosystems in this area. The introduction of a special regime of protection in the territory of the national park accelerates the process of natural restoration.
The method used in the assessment allows to control the state of the components of the environment in real time, especially in the implementation of plans and programs for the management and assessment of the impact on the surrounding environment and social and economoc activity.