General Director Zakir Eminov turns 55 2022-02-01 17:06:00 / JUBILEES

General Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS, laureate of the State Prize, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov is 55 years old.

Eminov Zakir Namin oglu was born on February 1, 1967 in the village of Yukhari Garamanly in the Neftchala region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. After graduating from the Faculty of Geography of the Baku State University in 1991, he was sent to the Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. He worked in the department "Population and geography of the social development of Azerbaijan" of the Institute of Geography as a senior laboratory assistant, then as a junior researcher, researcher, since 2001 as a leading researcher, since 2015 as a senior researcher. In 2017, he was appointed head of the department of "Human Geography" of the Institute, head of the newly created department of "Medical Geography".

In September 2012, Eminov Z.N. defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Demographic problems of the formation of labor reserves in Azerbaijan."

He is the author of more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodical articles, 10 monographs, 5 books on economic and socio-demographic problems of the resettlement of the population of Azerbaijan.

The scientist has published more than 20 scientific articles in the USA, Great Britain, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Romania and other countries. He is one of the co-authors of the Atlas for secondary schools in Azerbaijani and Russian.

Z.N. Eminov is one of the main authors of the second (Economic, social and political geography) and third (Strategy) volumes of the three-volume fundamental book "Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan", published by the Institute of Geography of ANAS in 2015. In 2016, for these books, Z.N. Eminov, among other scientists, was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science.

The pedagogical activity of Z.N. Eminov is associated with BSU and ADPU. He conducts lectures and seminars at BSU on the courses "Population of Azerbaijan", "Problems of a unified settlement system in Azerbaijan" and "Geography of the population of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries." He also gave lectures on "Technical and economic foundations of

production" and "Population geography" at the ADPU. Under his leadership, 4 doctors of philosophy were defended, 8 doctoral students are in the process of defending.

In 2021, Zakir Eminov was appointed as General Director of the Institute of Geography of ANAS.

The staff of the Institute of Geography sincerely congratulates Zakir Namin oglu Eminov on his birthday and wishes him good health, long life, new creative success in scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities!