The book "Geographers of Azerbaijan" was published 2021-01-11 15:59:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The second edition of the book "Scientists-geographers of Azerbaijan" by the Institute of Geography named after academician G.A. Aliyev of ANAS.

The chief editor of the book is the general director of the institute, Doctor of Geography Zakir Eminov, the editors are Zaur Imrani, Doctor of Philosophy in Geography, Mirnukh Ismayilov and the late Nizami Ayyubov. The publication was compiled by Abil Hagverdiyev, doctors of philosophy in geography and the late Maharram Hasanov.

The book contains encyclopedic information about all geographers who have contributed to the development of geography in our country, the study of its natural conditions and resources. The book briefly analyzes the contribution of each scientist to science, provides the results of his scientific activities, and publishes important articles, monographs, textbooks and manuals.

Having a collective scientific and historical significance, the book plays the role of a source that sheds light on the activities of geographers who have worked and created over the past 100 years.