It is important to take preventive measures to prevent landslides 2021-10-06 15:13:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Head of the Department of Landscape Research and Landscape Planning of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.A. Aliyev of ANAS Mirnukh Ismayilov gave an interview to ARB 24 TV channel about preventive measures taken to prevent expected landslides in the Bayil active landslide zone.

The scientist said that a drainage system is being built between the inter-rock retaining walls to release groundwater, which will activate landslides in the autumn and winter months. This system represents an important preventive measure for the management of future landslides. It is important to actively apply it to prevent this natural phenomenon.

The scientist said that due to hot weather, landslides are expected in some parts of Azerbaijan this summer. He explained this by the formation of cracks in the rocks due to the heat and the activation of groundwater due to the accumulation of water in these cracks during the rains. Ismayilov noted that in the course of his research he found many such cracks in the Lahij zone, Shamakhi region, the middle mountainous part of the Talysh mountains, on the new road from Jalilabad to Yardimli and others. He stressed that the slope of Yeni Guneshli facing Zikh in Baku is very dangerous from the point of view of landslides. Even well-visible cracks on the asphalt indicate that landslides can occur here. But for some reason, despite the construction on the

territory, neither the executive power, nor representatives of other specialized departments see these complications and do not take appropriate measures.