Report on the study of landscape-ecological conditions was heard 2018-11-15 15:05:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

At the scientific meeting of the Institute of Geography, PhD in geography, assoc. prof. Mirnukh Ismayilov made a report “Study of landscape-ecological conditions in mountainous areas based on morphometric elements of the relief (using the example of the inter-river Dashagilchay and Girdimanchay).

The researcher noted that the analysis of the maps they was revealed that the territories surrounding heights of 1600-3200 m with an inclination of 30°-55°, devoid of vegetation cover, having an intensely fragmented relief, are characterized by high morphometric tension.

The high morphometric tension of these territories is associated with the high dynamics of the processes creating exogenous relief.

Vandamchay-Girdimanchay, one of three selected eco-geomorphological areas, has the greatest eco-geomorphological intensity. In this area, 34% of territories have strong, 12% medium, 28% weak and 26% very weak selected eco-geomorphological tension.