An Evening of Ideas will be held on the topic “Is the planet a living being?” 2020-01-27 23:52:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

January 30, at 19 o’clock an evening will be held devoted to the questions “Is the planet a living being?”, “Is the planet in danger?”, as well as climate change issues, an increasing number of natural disasters (precipitation, drought, floods…), organized by French Embassy in Azerbaijan, French Institute, ANAS and UFAZ.

The event will be attended by Jean-François Creton, a researcher at French National Center for Space Research with a report “Modern Space Methods for Awareness of Climate Change on a living Planet”, academician Ramiz Mammadov, director of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS with the theme “Caspian Sea - a unique and relict geographical object of our planet” and Zaur Rashidov, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS with the theme “Esoteric description of the order of the Universe in Sufism”. 

Discussions will begin with introductory speeches by Dominic Gentil, the first adviser to the Embassy of France, and prof. Ilham Mammadzade, director of the Institute of Pholosophy.

Free entrance

Adress: UFAZ (French-Azerbaijani University, 183, Nizami str.) Landmark