27th anniversary of the january tragedy 2017-01-19 20:11:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

January 19, at the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev was held meeting dedicated to 27th anniversary of 20 January tragedy.

First, a minute of silence was held in memory of victims of the tragedy. Then, the director of the Institute, academician Ramiz Mammadov, spoke about the socio-political situation of that period, the treacherous policy of the USSR leadership towards Azerbaijan, the role of the January tragedy in the national liberation movement of Azerbaijan and the heroic examples of the representatives of our people.

The Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the Institute, PhD in Geography Habil Haqverdiyev made a speech on the topic.

He cited the causes if 20 January tragedy became the pride of our nation, described the situation at that time; spoke about the assessment of events, as well as Heydar Aliyev’s statement in connection with this tragedy.

He noted that, being the people’s tragedy, the events on January 20, at the same time are a glorious page in the history of Azerbaijan.  These events demonstrated the indomitable will of our people and the desire for freedom. They were the beginning of the national liberation movement to achieve independence.

Employees of the Institute: Namazali Mustafayev, Luiza Salayeva, PhD in Geography Ismayil Guliyev, Bibikhanum Ibrahimova and others shared their memories associated with the January 20 tragedy.They noted that this crime against our people will never be forgotten and that people will always be proud of its brave sons, who gave their lives for freedom.

At the end of the meeting the documentary about the events of the 20 January tragedy has been shown.