Joint workshop about the significance of stones 2019-06-03 19:59:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A joint workshop of the IG was held on the topic “Light of stones – precious stones in the Coran and their scientific and philosophical significance”.

Rashid Fataliyev, PhD in geology and mineralogy made a report. He noted that the purpose of the seminar is to study the philosophy of the relationship between man and nature, the role of stones in human life and the importance attached to precious stones in sacred books. Then R. Fataliyev presented the classification of precious stones and the criteria for their value.

The head of the department of the Institute of Philisophy, corresponding member of ANAS Kenul Buniatzade spoke at the seminar, speaking about the stones mentioned in the Bible and the Koran.

Seminar participants noted the importance of this topic.