Report on landslides in the scientific Workshops 2018-10-31 13:41:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

At the regular SW, the leading researcher of the department of Geomorphology and Natural Risks of the IG PhD in geography Stara Tarixazer made a report on the topic “Regional assessment of landslide risk through hierarchic analysis” (on the example of the Shamakhi administrative region).

Using this method, the zoning of the studied area was made by zones with different degrees of landslide hazard. The main task in the analysis of regional landslide hazard is to determine the conditions of landslide formation, which should be understood as the totality of natural and anthropogenic factors that disturb the equilibrium of the mass of rocks.  

The main conclusion of the study is the recognition of the effectiveness of the use of the hierarchic analysis method during the zoning of territories exposed to the landslide process, and the obtained data on landslide hazard must be taken into account when planning the economic development of the territory.