Geographer expressed his opinion on the protection of biological diversity 2024-11-25 13:47:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Head of the Department of Landscape Science and Landscape Planning of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the MSE AR, Assoc. Prof. Mirnukh Ismayilov took part in the first meeting of the Working Group on the preparation of the "Nature Protection Plan" for Azerbaijan within the framework of the project "Protection and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: Strengthening the System of Specially Protected Areas of Azerbaijan through Improved Management".

The event, jointly organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), discussed the format, structure and content of the “Nature Conservation Plan”, priority areas for the protection of biodiversity in Azerbaijan, as well as the current state of fundamental protection.

The geographer spoke at a meeting on "Protection of Biodiversity under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources within the Framework of Preparation of the Nature Conservation Plan." He stated that it is necessary to create an ecological network for the protection of biodiversity, and this should be done at both the regional and national levels. Ecological corridors, protected areas, attractive landscapes, natural monuments, etc. are elements of the ecological network. Unfortunately, a number of projects implemented in Azerbaijan are being implemented without preparing an ecological network. For example, the General Plan of Baku is being prepared without an ecological network map. Therefore, problems are inevitable. Also, large infrastructure projects are being implemented in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur without an ecological network map of the territories. According to the scientist, infrastructure, settlement, industrial, economic projects in the territory can be implemented only after the creation of an ecological network map.