Geographers discussed the ecological situation of the Caspian Sea on AzTV 2024-09-05 14:10:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The heads of departments of the Institute of Geography named after academician H.Aliyev of the MSE AR were the guests of the AzTV "Hadaf" program, doctors of geographical sciences - professors Rza Mahmudov and Said Safarov.

Problems related to the Caspian Sea and the environmental situation of the Caspian Sea, ways to solve them, and proposals were discussed in the program,.

Scientists consider necessary to create a Caspian Center in Azerbaijan as in other Caspian countries – Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran and Turkmenistan –that would conduct extensive research on the Caspian Sea, as well as to restore the Scientific Research Institute of Hydrometeorology that previously operated in Azerbaijan.

Geographers who call the Caspian Sea a “climate laboratory” spoke about the mutual influence of climate and the Caspian Sea, and the problems that arise in sea basins related to climate.