Geographer awarded NASA certificate 2024-09-03 15:26:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Employee of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev, PhD Ismayil Zeynalov took part in the online training “Humanitarian Applications Using NASA Earth Observations”, organized by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Houston, USA.

This three-part training aimed to develop specific strategies for linking local climate conditions with the risks faced by refugees and internally displaced communities around the world.

The training involved nearly 500 participants from around the world, who learned how to resettle refugees and internally displaced people in appropriate, protected areas during natural hazard events. Trainees will ultimately be able to integrate land use, built-up area, infrastructure, and population data to quantify climate risks and development trends in specific humanitarian settings, and understand the value and limitations of land use and geospatial data.

Participants, who successfully passed the exam, including Institute of Geography employee I. Zeynalov, were awarded certificates.