Geographers took part in the discussion held in Ganja 2024-06-24 12:15:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

Scientists of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev MSE AR - Director General Professor Zakir Eminov, heads of departments Professors Rza Mahmudov and Amir Aliyev, Associate Professor Nariman Pashayev and senior researcher Professor Etibar Badalov were on a business trip in Ganja.

Expert geographers, along with local scientists, as well as senior lecturer of ASPI Gabil Samadov, spoke around the discussion of the dissertation of doctoral student of the Department of History and Geography of Ganja State University Firangiz Bagirova on the topic “Economic and geographical aspects of effective territorial organization in the Ganja-Dashkesan industrial F. Bagirova spoke about the importance of industrial hubs in the country, the main directions of effective territorial organization of industry nationwide, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of industry, the economic and geographical features of industrial hubs and development problems”.

In her speech, the speaker analyzed the main directions of the economic zones of the Ganja-Dashkasan industrial hub, the territorial organization and prospects for the development of infrastructure sections, as well as the directions of socio-demographic and economic development of Ganja city.

Following the meeting, it was noted that the dissertation fully complies with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and, taking into account these shortcomings, can be admitted to preliminary discussion.