The book "Search, Truth and Probability" has been published 2024-06-14 14:00:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

The book "Search, Truth and Probability" by PhD in geology and mineralogy, associate professor Rashid Fataliyev, the leading researcher of the paleogeography department of the Institute of Geography, has been published.

On this occasion, a presentation ceremony was held at the Institute of Geography. The scientific editor of the book is the general director of the institute, professor Zakir Eminov, the reviewers are heads of departments, professor Rza Makhmudov and associate professor Nariman Pashayev.

Professor Zakir Eminov opened the event with an introductory speech and gave general information about the book. He said that R. Fataliyev regularly publishes scientific and journalistic articles of various content in periodicals and on Internet sites. Traditionally, the author presents interesting articles about nature, natural phenomena, the causes of their occurrence, as well as such areas of science as geography, geology, ecology, history and toponymy, and about the events that he personally observed.

Then R. Fataliyev made a presentation and gave detailed information about the book. It was reported that the book "Search, Truth and Probability", presented to readers as the 3rd author's monograph, consists of 7 chapters. The first and second chapters tells about global warming, the Caspian Sea, geological problems, the third, fourth and fifth chapters about the environment, history and natural monuments, natural phenomena, toponyms; the sixth chapter is the coronavirus, which has alarmed the whole world in recent years; it is devoted to the analysis of the causes of the emergence and spread of the epidemic, albeit superficial. The book ends with the chapter "Literary and Artistic Thought". In this chapter, the author tried to explain life, the mysterious world between the environment and life with the help of poetic analogies.

The book is designed for a wide readership.