The blessed memory of outstanding geographers was honored 2024-05-15 16:40:00 / JUBILEES

The next meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography named after   acad. H. Aliyev of the MSE RA was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of outstanding geographers - Hadi Aliyev and Abdurrahim Hajizade.

Geographers from Baku State University took part in the event together with the staff of the institute.

The Director General of the institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, drew attention to the importance of celebrating the anniversaries of geographers who contributed to the development of Azerbaijani science, covering information about their personality, life and activities, and passing on the valuable legacy that they left to society to current and future generations.

The head of the Department of Economic and Political Geography of Foreign Countries and Tourism of BSU, Professor Aydin Ibragimov, made a report about Professor Hadi Aliyev. H. Aliyev was one of the founders of geographical science and geographical education in Azerbaijan, the first director of the Institute of Geography, the organizer and head of the first department of economic geography in the Azerbaijan branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the chairman of the Azerbaijan Geographical Society.  In 1944, on his initiative, the Department of Economic Geography was opened at the University’s Faculty of Geology and Geography, which he headed until 1980. Since 1960, H. Aliyev headed the department of economic and political geography of foreign countries created at the university. The scientist who wrote the textbook “Economic Geography of the Azerbaijan SSR” for high school students is the author of hundreds of scientific articles. His books “The People's Republic of China”, “The Arab Republic of Egypt” and “Africa Today” are still relevant today.

Then Professor Chingiz Ismailov, head of the Department of Economic and Social Geography of BSU, gave a speech about the geographer, his scientific supervisor, Professor Abdurrahim Hajizade. The speaker noted that for almost 30 years, a study of economic-geographical territorial complexes was the main investigation in the scientific creativity of A. Hajizade, who headed the Department of Economic Geography, which was created on his own initiative at the Faculty of Geology and Geography of the University. For the first time in his research, he moved from simple descriptions to in-depth analysis and conducted an economic and geographical assessment of natural resources with point indicators. He studied the natural and economic foundations of the formation of industry as a whole and each of them separately in the form of production-territorial complexes. The scientist published about 200 scientific articles, such as “Industrial complex of Azerbaijan”, “Economic geography of the USSR”, “Natural resources for industrial development of the Azerbaijan SSR”, “Population of the Azerbaijan SSR and its settlement”, “Baku - economic and geographical characteristics”, etc. He was also a co-author of the books “Geography of Population”, “Geography of the Transcaucasian Republics”, “Caucasus”, “History of Geography”, etc. Heads of departments, Doctors of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Nariman Pashayev and Professor Rza Mahmudov shared their memories of outstanding scientists.